Welcome to our Class Blog!

We are a Year 5 class at Ferryden Park Primary School. We have 22 students in our class, 15 boys and 7 girls. Steph is our teacher. Our classroom motto this year is... We are a team in Room 16, when a challenge comes, we go and go until it's done!

February 22, 2010


In Science this term we are focusing on light. We individually collected our thoughts to the following 5 questions:

- What things give us light?
- How does light help us to see?
- What is a shadow?
- How far does light travel?
- How does light travel?

In groups we categorised and summarised the class responses.
We have posted our 'wonderings' on our classroom blog below.
Have a look to see what we came up with.

1 comment:

  1. We are looking forward to working with you guys and girls this term in Light Fantastic!
